Title: Summer Angels
In the midst of the summer, a couple watches the sunset from their balcony. They have collected the sea shells that the mermaids placed on the shore. The one is holding a nautilus that echoes the sounds of the waves and offers it to his partner. Their bodies & souls are rejuvenated by the Mediterranean Sea & the summer breeze blows away their sarong making them look like angels of summer.
Premium quality hand-printed tote bag with thick stripes, that becomes the companion to your most beautiful adventures.
- Artwork & hand-printed by Christina Mandilari
- Technique: silkscreen printing
- Base colour: blue royal
- Print colour: pink
- wash inside out at 30 degrees
- Bag size: 30 x 40cm / Stipe length: 32 cm
- GOTS certified, Fair-Wear, Oeko-Tex, Vegan Approved // 100% organic cotton
*Colours may vary slightly from the image online-actual product.
most of the materials used, are sustainably & ethically sourced / this is a hanprinted item, colour textures might exist